LifestyleNew York

New York’s Heart Finally Renewed in Times Square

Many factors have contributed to the success of the Times Square renewal project which has taken 30 years to complete. Times Square happens to be smack-dab in the center of Manhattan, the thriving, pulsating financial, art and cultural center of New York City. Time Square has a rich history spanning more than 100 years as an international crossroads for ideas and culture. Even when Times Square was crime invested sleaze-bag neighborhood that only the bravest New Yorkers would dare to venture in, tourists continued to visit, braving the danger and unpleasant atmosphere just to have their pictures taken there.

Yet, despite all this positive energy   going for it, re-creating a new Times Square still   took perseverance, vision towards the future, and a dogged goal-orientation rare in a city whose reputation is clearly one of instant gratification. After 30 years the struggle has certainly paid off, in aces!


Shari has certainly been around the block. As a teacher, writer, former CEO and present day master chef, Shari can cover a human interest story with a flare and style hard to match anywhere. Born and raised in the streets, schools and institutions of Brooklyn, Shari is the epitome of Brooklyn life. Contact Shari at shari(at)