Mummification is Alive and Well in Gowanus
We all know we are a diverse group of people here in Gowanus, New York, but this might be taking it just a bit too far. You, too, can learn all about mummification at the Morbid Anatomy Library that is housed at the Observatory in Gowanus. That’s right.
Teaching Mummification
One woman, known as Sorceress PD Cagliastro, is teaching a course in mummification to 15 eager students there at the moment. Introducing herself to the students, she explained that she is a necromancer, a blood sorceress, a licensed funeral director and even a pet mummifier. As she explained, she was “experienced in all realms of death.”
The Morbid Anatomy Library
The Morbid Anatomy Library in Gowanus puts on many classes and talks related to studying post-mortem and surveys “the interstices of art and medicine, death and culture.” This particular course about mummification with Cagliastro included 15 eclectic students who were eagerly learning about mummifying a frog.
When, 15 years ago, Cagliastro was incapacitated after a car accident, she started to look into and research mummification. It eventually led her to teach courses of this sort, to do mummification, and even to create a pet mummifying business for $400 an animal.
One just never knows what will be next in Gowanus!