
A Brooklyn Original: Uncycled Coffee Soap

A new company has created a truly innovative idea by turning waste into a fascinating product. 2nd Ground has created a new business by upcycling waste into coffee soap. Founded by Mark Guerino, the business repurposes spent coffee grounds from local cafes and changes them into eco-friendly, handcrafted soap bars. Guerino’s journey began with a simple question: why not use discarded coffee grounds as an exfoliant? This idea led to the creation of a sustainable product that not only reduces landfill waste but also offers a natural skincare solution.

2nd Ground emphasizes sustainability at every step, from sourcing local ingredients to using parchment paper for packaging. The soaps are now sold at Brooklyn Made in Industry City, a store that showcases locally-made products. Guerino’s commitment to eco-conscious practices reflects a broader mission to reduce waste and promote sustainable living. His work is a testament to how small businesses can make a big impact on both the environment and the community.


James Allenby is the editor of Gowanus Lounge, bringing to his position a vast background on New York, and especially Brooklyn history, culture and lifestyle. Born and bred in the heart of "the County of Kings" James Allenby knows what it means to be a Brooklynite, and imparts this meaning at all times to his readers. Contact James at info(at)