Teen Screen and Others Reaching Kids with Technology
Today, reaching kids with important messages isn’t as cut and dry as it might have been in the past. In the technological age, it is vitally important for educational institutions, non-profit organizations and others to use the medium that teens know best to reach them — technology.
The Power of Teen Screen
Those organizations that have realized this and have started to use technology to their advantage are having the most success reaching kids. One such organization, the Pittsburgh Jewish Film Forum, is offering Teen Screen which is a program with free film screenings for school groups during the 2010-2011 school year. These films include cutting-edge graphics, dramatic narration from famous actors and teacher’s guides. The films that are part of Teen Screen enable teachers to engage in cross-curriculum learning experiences and to offer students a way to be educated through the visual medium of technology.
The Power of YourCampus360
Similarly, an organization called YourCampus360 is a New York City based group that helps educational institutions with their higher education marketing. The company creates virtual experiences that connect schools with potential students by reaching out to students through a medium that they enjoy — EDU websites, mobile devices, Facebook, YouTube and more. Every institution wants to recruit the best students possible for its university — and today the best way to reach these students is through social networks and technology.
The old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them” is certainly true in the modern age of technology. To reach today’s students and young people it is important to do so in a way that they will understand. Videos, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and similar mediums are all the tools that Teen Screen, YourCampus360 and other programs and groups are using to reach their young audiences.