
Vinyl-Siding Beloved By At Least One in Brooklyn

Lewis Canfield is a man with many interests. He is a professional with a creative side living in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, and has experimented with art, women’s perfume, and has worked in the film-making industry and even made a killing on the Internet. And now Mr. Canfield is earning his keep buying, selling and renovating Brooklyn properties.

And what is it about Brooklyn real estate that keeps a man of such varied tastes excited? It’s the vinyl siding, of course. Sound far-fetched? Although by first appearances you might think Mr. Canfield an anti-vinylist, the truth is quite the opposite. He claims that when the siding is applied properly, he actually likes it quite a bunch. And this is what he says is at least part of the reason why:

“It’s not the most beautiful thing, but it’s real” he said. “It’s authentic. It’s tied to the history of the neighborhood.”


Shari has certainly been around the block. As a teacher, writer, former CEO and present day master chef, Shari can cover a human interest story with a flare and style hard to match anywhere. Born and raised in the streets, schools and institutions of Brooklyn, Shari is the epitome of Brooklyn life. Contact Shari at shari(at)gowanuslounge.com.